Agent Partnerships Enquiry

Name: Abraham Nsesunkpah EmailFrom: Institution: Message: The Agency’s name is AB’ Educational and Sports Consultancy. AB’S Educational and Sports Consultancy. The name is in the English language. The organization was founded in 2019, registered with ACT, 1962 (ACT 151) of Ghana with number, BN331032019, TIN: P0022060227. Residential Address of Proprietor Cape Coast Metropolitan, Region – Central, Country – Ghana. I have 36 years’ of teaching and coaching experience. I am the Managing Director for AB’S Educational and Sports Consultancy in Ghana, website, : HNO KT 423/15 Buduburam, Kasoa. Street – Accra Road, City – Kasoa, District – I have an extensive knowledge of ICEF AGENT TRAINING COURSE: Below is the results of USA – 92% , CANADA – 100% , IRISH – 93% , ICEF Trained Agent Counselor (ITAC) Status Results – 98% , The Context of International Education 23/24 , People in International Education 21/21 , Promoting International Education 23/23 , Self-,assessment, A (i) Main Destination Countries 1/1 , Self-Assessment A (ii) The Context of International Education 1/1 , Self-Assessment B People in International Education 1/1 , Self-Assessment C Promoting International Education 1/1 Global ICEF Training Course – 98%, Sports Agent, August, 2019 from International Open Academy with a score of 83.09%. We are requesting for representative agent of your prestigious institution. Do not hesitate to contact me for further information     HOW TO PROMOTE AN INSTITUTION   My purpose of applying to be a recruitment agent to universities and colleges is to use strategic marketing to support the college mission by enhancing public awareness and participation in the college’s many programs, services and activities. This plan will help increase the overall visibility of the college, and reinforce its brand and reputation with the Ghanaian institutions.   The success of any marketing plan depends upon several factors including effective advertising, public relations and market research. Flexibility and innovation are also key factors to a plan’s success.   1. Posters will be pasted on Universities, Colleges and Senior High campuses. Before my event, I will send a bunch to the campus staff and ask them to hang them up around the schools with a few noteworthy items about the posters: . 2. If possible, I will make sure my appearance on campus coincides with important dates on campus. For example, orientation week, homecoming, or special days on campus. 3. I will target specific groups or clubs on campus. I will email and ask them to attend my event. I will also visit the school’s website, First Year Students, Peer Groups, Student Leaders, and Athletic Teams, since they are all great candidates.  . 4. I will sometimes make some events or programs mandatory to my consultancy, since some schools mandate certain events to specific groups. . 5. I will also try your best to have my event happen around Orientations of institutions to market myself as a welcome week, orientation events etc. as well. 6 I will place table tents or small displays on each table in the cafeteria or student center. 7. I will advertise in the campus paper and/or run an ad with the campus radio station, get the station to interview me a day to their event. 8. I will make my events open to the public. 9. I will contact the local newspaper, blogs; invite them to run a press release promoting your group events. 10. I will invite other schools to attend my program or promote on nearby campuses, if possible. 11.I will look at certain events that are affordable, or work it into the event budget, I will provide pizza, snacks or other freebies as a way to entice people. 12. I will use campus Social Media as another vehicle for promotion.log, link to any YouTube, Face book and LinkedIn profiles.  . 13. I will get events posted on the Student Representative Council events calendar for the schools.  I hope with the support of the University success will be ours. Attached is my CV, Certificate and a Business Card. Do not hesitate to contact me for further information.   Thank you for responding to our request.   Best.   Abraham Nsesunkpah Managing Director 0242212501 Skype: Google: Web.   Address: Country: Ghana Telephone: 0242212501 Source:ENQUIRIY FOR INSTITUTIONS
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